Concussion Recovery
Sally has developed a “state of the art” Concussion Therapies (CT) rehab program that utilizes cutting edge techniques based on current research and successful results to achieve recovery and return to activity following a concussive head injury. Her program combines Biodex, Dynavision, Interactive Metronome, Vestibular and Visual Rehab as well as cognitive strategies and CranioSacral therapy for full spectrum treatment.
Sally’s therapy programs consists of three primary components: Baseline assessment, Informative Data, and Testing/Training. She has designed these programs to feature a combination of therapies made precisely for concussion recovery such as:
- Biodex – A tool used for balance testing kids who have experienced Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) or concussion to assess recovery progress and readiness to return to normal activities.
- Dynavision – A reaction evaluation and treatment developed to train sensory motor integration through the visual system that is used in concussion recovery procedures.
- Interactive Metronome – Helps “train the brain” to plan, sequence, and process information more effectively to improve motor control, coordination, sports performance, language processing, attention focus and social skills.
- CranioSacral Therapy – Non-invasive, hands-on therapy used to relieve pain, tension, and other symptoms of concussion (headaches, dizziness, sleep disturbances, etc), while improving whole body health and performance.